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SheBron? James not sure women ready for NBA


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CLEVELAND -LeBron James can't imagine having a female teammate or posting up against a woman in the NBA.


Commissioner David Stern said in an interview with Sports Illustrated that he believes women could be playing in the league within the next decade.


"I don't want to get into all kinds of arguments with players and coaches about the likelihood," Stern told SI. "But I really think it's a good possibility."


Asked about Stern's take, James, the league's reigning MVP, wasn't convinced it will ever happen.


"Ten years?" James said before the Cavaliers hosted Chicago on Friday night. "That's like right around the corner. I'll be 34 and I'll still be in the NBA. I think 10 years is a little pushing it. I love all sports. I love watching the girls, especially in the Olympics and in the WNBA. They're great and there are a lot of great players.


"But 10 years? I think that's pushing it."


Cavaliers forward Anthony Parker, whose sister, Candace, is perhaps the top women's player in the world, agreed with James.


"First of all, I don't see why, other than to say a woman can do it," he said. "But for long term? No way. My sister is a good player and has great skill, but as far as making an NBA roster? No. She's 6-4, which is the average height of a shooting guard. I'm never going to say never.


"I just hope I live to see it."




Boy that would be interesting to see.... imagine that. ha

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Women don't have the athleticism or natural physical skills required to make the NBA. While a woman might play on a team in a game or two, a woman will not play an impactful role on a team anytime soon. As much as a woman can practice the fundamentals and perfect them, they lack the physical quickness and strength to guard the wings in the NBA, nevermind the big men in the league.


Pretty much agree with AP .

Edited by travesy3
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Yes, 10 years IS a little pushing it. Ever is also a little pushing it, but I wouldn't go as far as saying it's completely impossible.


There are two reason why I don't see this happening.


1) Strength and durability.


From what I've seen, speed doesn't seem like it would be an issue. There are some women athletes in the WNBA, like Deanna Nolan, who could possibly keep up with the speed of some NBA players. Strength, however, is another thing.


For example, Magic vs Lakers last year. The Lakers took advantage of a 6-5, 200 pound Courtney Lee in the post almost the entire time he was on the court by whoever he was guarding, whether it was Kobe Bryant or Luke Walton. Candace Parker is probably the closest thing currently in the WNBA that can play at the NBA level, yet she is only 6-4 and 175 pounds, and plays the forward position. She would be tremendously outmatched at the wing position. Whether it's from the quickness of a small wing like Monta Ellis or the physicality of any bigger guard. In order for her to play at the NBA level, she would have to develop some point guard skills very fast, as well as some more range on her jumpshot with a full size basketball.


Even then, lets say she finds a way onto an NBA team. Whether a woman can take the full grind of an entire 82 game NBA season is questionable. The game of basketball is much more physical than it looks, especially at the professional level. The only possibility I can see at this point is perhaps limited minutes off the bench while taking breaks on certain nights.


2) Bad marketing for the WNBA. If the best of the best women basketball athletes were to go all the way to the NBA, then that will easily decrease what little popularity there already is for watching the WNBA.



Also, whether Woman can or cannot physically play in the NBA, there is clearly no signs of it happening in the near future, nor are we on any sort of pace towards it besides recent WNBA studs (Candace Parker, Brittney Griner). How many woman are playing the Euroleague?

Edited by Poe
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This is absolutely ridiculous. Im not trying to hate but I really dont think any women could play in the NBA. As some have already stated they arent physically capable of it, not to mention the locker rooms, players egos, it would just create a huge controversy and no other sports would follow suit.


I honestly think there are players in the D League that could make the NBA before any WNBA player could.

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