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Question About Health Care


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Since most people here are from the states, why don't most people want Universal health care? As being seen as the most "powerful" country, why don't you have health care. I think the states are the only western country that doesn't have a univera health care. I know some people here are against it, I just wanna hear why.

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Because the government, in the past, has proven to be profoundly bad at handling money. There is no reason to suspect that they wouldn't blow health care like they have other things (for example, social security).


Also, do you know what happens to the quality of a product or service when competition is eliminated? That's exactly what would happen if the government were "the" health care system.


If the government knew how to run things like that, then why do so many parents enroll their kids in private schools, or homeschool them? Public school is free, after all. It's because public education is miserable. You can slide through a public school without even trying, as long as you don't commit a major felony. I really don't want that to be the criteria for a government doctor.


Is this a bit paranoid? I don't think so. I'm not suggesting that it's full-blown communism or anything. I can just tell you how it usually works when the government plays heavy-handed. Give me my money, and I'll take care of myself. Welcome to America.



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