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My new workout program

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I was cutting before now im bulking up right now. Probably bulk up the next few months then later in the year ill cut. You guys might laugh because can i honestly eat all this day in, day out? Im gonna be like a pig, eating like a caveman!




meal one (BREAKFAST)

5 egg whites scrambled

1 cup of oatmeal


24 oz water


meal 2 (LUNCH)

chicken breasts

sweet potatoes


24 oz water


meal 3 (SNACK)

tuna fish

1 cup brown rice


24 oz water


meal 4

protein shake


meal 5


24oz water


meal 6

5 egg whites scrambled

1 cup of brown rice


24 oz water




5 egg whites scrambled

1 cup of oatmeal


24 oz water


meal 2 (LUNCH)




24 oz water


meal 3 (snack)


chunkey soup


24 oz water


meal 4

protein shake


meal 5


24 oz water


meal 6

1 cup of brown rice

peanut butter sandwich


24 oz water




meal one (BREAKFAST)

5 egg whites

1 cup of oatmeal


24 oz water


meal 2 (LUNCH)


sweet poatoes

green beans

24 oz water


meal 3


chuney soup

1 cup of brown rice

24 oz water


meal 4

protein shake


meal 5


24 oz water


meal 6

chicken casuea salad

1 cup of oatmeal


24 oz water


On day 4 and day 5 ill switch it up. Gonna be tough but i think i can do it. Didn't eat much like this last year when i was bulking so i think ill be even bigger when i do this. Been cutting for half year last year so hopefully it a work in the progress.

Edited by CaliCurbStomppa
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Looks good, when working out, a strict diet for myself is the only thing I've never done however I do watch what I eat more closely when lifting.


It's a good exercising diet no doubt, but not questioning you but it seems that can be a lot of money per day, you think that's going to be a problem?

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Looks good, when working out, a strict diet for myself is the only thing I've never done however I do watch what I eat more closely when lifting.


It's a good exercising diet no doubt, but not questioning you but it seems that can be a lot of money per day, you think that's going to be a problem?


oh no it good. it about 90 bucks or so for these food a week but i make good money so im fine.

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