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Two Month COD anniversary coming up..


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  On 1/12/2010 at 8:55 PM, EastCoastNiner said:

He hasn't had time to play much.

Yup ECN is right. Im up to 1.13 on my third day. I sucked at first now im getting the hang of it, I havent played as much as these doods with the game from day 1. Im sure most people suck in the beginning though, takes time to learn just like any other game.

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  On 1/11/2010 at 2:14 AM, Celtics3420 said:

K/D is like .83 :rofl:


I play objective games almost always, and actually go for the objective. I love objective games when you have teammates that actually do go for the objective, but this game just has a bunch of idiots playing domination/demolition etc. just going for kills. Most of the time im the only guy going for the objective and getting killed by 2/3 enemies while my teammates camp at one spot -_-.


Sorry for the rant xD.


My kill streak is 31, i think i've had 20+ 4 or 5 times so far. No nuke tho xD.

Don't worry 90% of the people with a K/D over 1.5 just camp their asses off in their spawm

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