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What do you think of Marion on this team?

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If we are able to resign Bird and get Marion (maybe half MLE for Birdman and half for Marion)?


With Marion, we get an above average rebounder, an above average finisher (esp around the rim), an above average defender in one package. I think it'd be a great move... but some people think Marion is on the decline.


My questions are is he on the decline or is he just missing Nash/ D'Antoni system? Would he be a good fit on Nuggets (we have good passers in Billups, Melo, Nene, J.R., and maybe Lawson... offensively, we need cutters who can help Melo on offense, and defensively we need a committed rebounder).



It also pushes KMart out of starting lineup, made our bench stronger... and he can be that big guard to guard the perimeter.


C - Nene/ Andersen

PF - Marion/ Martin

SF - Anthony/ Balkman

SG - Smith/ Jones

PG - Billups/ Lawson

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Marion wouldn't go for less than 10 million a year let alone half the MLE. Plus Marion want's to be a main man on a team and with Melo, Billups, Nene and JR that's not going to happen. You'd be better off keeping Birdman and looking elsewhere.

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