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Brooklyn Protesters Take the Fight to a Nets Game


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The master plan to land the Nets in Brooklyn is all but certain at this point, with legal hurdles falling as quickly as Izod Center attendance. But the Nets did get a seat-count boost Friday night from an unlikely source, as ever-vigilant protesters of the development of Bruce Ratner's megalith Atlantic Yards project in Brooklyn showed up at New Jersey's home game against the Pacers Friday, with banners and slogans in hand.


The protesters were about as successful as the Nets have been this year. Anti-Ratner banners unfurled by the protesters were quickly confiscated, according to Julian Garcia of the New York Daily News. (But not before an Associated Press photographer could snap a shot!)


Though they'll never admit as much, this could very well be the final public salvo in the anti-Yards crew's war on Ratner, barring an unforeseen successful legal challenge. You can't stop a freight train with moral righteousness, even in arcane arts like land management.


It looks like the Nets will play in Newark next season, so at the very least the protesters should be able to avoid East Rutherford for the duration of their outrage.


NBA FanHouse

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