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CDR Improving?

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Hill Impressed with CDR’s Improvement…on Defense

July 5, 2009, 8:46 pm


With Summer League about to kick off Monday, Brian Hill praised Chris Douglas Roberts’ defensive effort. “I can see a dramatic improvement with the way that he is working in these practices,” said Hill. CDR admitted he has to improve his “D” if he wants minutes. Meanwhile, Hill said the Nets have been checking out Terrence Williams’ versatility. it looks like he can play a little bit of three different positions.”


I like hearing this, i always knew he had potential. Can't wait to see Williams and Roberts play next season.. i would personally hope for them to start the SF and SG positions for the Nets.

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You haven't watched CDR to make a valid statement about who starts ..


CDR is gonna be a solid defender in this league, watch him in the Summer League.. he is going to show what he's got to some doubters ..


Playing well in the Summer League doesn't prove your worth in the NBA.


Courtney Lee is three thousand times the player Douglas-Roberts is.

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You haven't watched CDR to make a valid statement about who starts ..


CDR is gonna be a solid defender in this league, watch him in the Summer League.. he is going to show what he's got to some doubters ..


Who are you to judge what Ive seen? Anyway I have seen him play, and I think he has a ton of potential, but Lee has already proven he can guard some of the best in the NBA. CDR has proven he can guard some of the best in the Summer League. Not quite the same.

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I've watched CDR play, and while I love his game, I'd much rather have Courtney Lee starting.


Courtney Lee starting the SF wouldn't work though.. it's a general throw up between Hayes, T-Will or CDR and CDR would be most ideal.. Lee is pretty much out of the question because he would be incredibly undersized playing SF.


Who are you to judge what Ive seen? Anyway I have seen him play, and I think he has a ton of potential, but Lee has already proven he can guard some of the best in the NBA. CDR has proven he can guard some of the best in the Summer League. Not quite the same.


Because you obviously didn't watch the Summer League now did you?.. Don't lie either because if you did you would have seen what CDR did and he had a great performance .. too bad that Speights is playing and ball hogging .. lmao 26 shots by Speights when CDR was shooting better ..

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Well you said this:


Can't wait to see Williams and Roberts play next season.. i would personally hope for them to start the SF and SG positions for the Nets.


And somebody else said:


Id rather have Courtney Lee start then CDR


And you responded by:


You haven't watched CDR to make a valid statement about who starts ..


And I'm saying that at the SG position, Lee should start.

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Because you obviously didn't watch the Summer League now did you?.. Don't lie either because if you did you would have seen what CDR did and he had a great performance .. too bad that Speights is playing and ball hogging .. lmao 26 shots by Speights when CDR was shooting better ..

ok thats fair I didnt watch it, but when you inicially made that comment you hadn't either. So you're willing to start him based on one performance? Your plan is to have CDR start at the 2 and T-Will at the 3 or vise-versa, and have Lee come off the bench? Or is it between these 2 players over 1 of the spots?

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ok thats fair I didnt watch it, but when you inicially made that comment you hadn't either. So you're willing to start him based on one performance? Your plan is to have CDR start at the 2 and T-Will at the 3 or vise-versa, and have Lee come off the bench? Or is it between these 2 players over 1 of the spots?


Yes i did, it was the Nets/76ers vs Pacers and CDR had 20 points.. he was impressive..


Not just one performance. But one Summer League performance. This is why I'm convinced that Klashnekoff could be the greatest GM ever. He's just so great at judging level of competition and players skill levels. *rolls eyes*


Well he is going to have opportunities to start this season regardless.. if you didn't know that which you obviously didn't then you shouldn't be coming to me with them smart [expletive] comments .. CDR is the only player other then Hayes or T-Will that is suitable to play the SF position for us.. If Hayes goes down then CDR will start guaranteed.. T-Will is a little undersized so he would only play SF when the other team we play changes up rotations and has a smaller SF for him to guard ..


CDR did nothing but shoot in the second half of that game, lol.


Speights? .. 26 or 28 shot attempts? .. CDR did more then him for the team ..

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Yes i did, it was the Nets/76ers vs Pacers and CDR had 20 points.. he was impressive..



You know who else was impressive in that game. Tyler Hansbrough, so if one summer league game makes you a starter, then the pacers are in big trouble this season. All im saying is that it makes more sense to have CDR come off the bench and start Lee and maybe T-Will, im not sure yet with him though.

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Actually, he didn't. When ever CDR had possession he'd find his own shot. Whereas when Speights was on the court, he was taking shots as well as creating for his teammates via high-low game. The only reason he had so many shot attempts were because he was either:


a) Around the room working on his post moves.

b ) Unguarded and let wide open to shoot the jumper.


Hop off CDR's dick.

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I ain't on his dick dumbass,


I was saying that why would we even think about starting Lee at the SF? .. The guy is 6'5" .. he would get massacred .. T-Will is suitable but he needs to get a few NBA games under his belt before he can even be considered a starter.. CDR is the suitable player for us for the SF position, either him or Hayes will start but like i said if Hayes goes down then we will see CDR starting .. Hayes will most likely start SF this season for us ..

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Guess it wasn't one game either, another impressive performance and evident that this guy is improving.

I dont know if you watched the game, but CDR flat out refused to pass the ball. While his pt total was high, he was not being a team player, and in one case had a 3 on 2 fastbreak, took the ball up the entire court, and missed. While he will no doubt make the Nets roster this year, I still dont see him starting. Maybe through injuries or something, but it would be much better having him come off the bench.

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