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My finger after breaking it at rugby practice


Edited by DemarDerozanDunk
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My finger after breaking it at rugby practice


:rofl: is such a thing even possible

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Never driving in the snow again..



Not only would that accident scar you for life but stopping to see if they are okay would [expletive] you forever. Glad Canada is pretty good with separating highways so if you skid off, you go into a ditch or a wall rather than oncoming traffic.


Just last month I was driving to work and two cars had crashed so it was down to one lane because of the firetrucks. We were stopped in a turn and I had to get into the left hand land so checked my mirror to see a Jeep going way to fast, hit the wall and destroy the car next to me. Couldn't even open my door to see if they were okay because the jeep was a foot away from my car. Winter is scary as shit.

Edited by Universe
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Not only would that accident scar you for life but stopping to see if they are okay would [expletive] you forever. Glad Canada is pretty good with separating highways so if you skid off, you go into a ditch or a wall rather than oncoming traffic.


Just last month I was driving to work and two cars had crashed so it was down to one lane because of the firetrucks. We were stopped in a turn and I had to get into the left hand land so checked my mirror to see a Jeep going way to fast, hit the wall and destroy the car next to me. Couldn't even open my door to see if they were okay because the jeep was a foot away from my car. Winter is scary as shit.

Yeah I remember driving through Canada en route to Nova Scotia and the roads were on these beautiful hills, and the incoming and outgoing were separated by long stretches of field.. weren't even close to one another. I guess that's what happens when you don't over inhabit and industrialize your country! (I loved it there, if you can't tell.. lol)

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:rofl: is such a thing even possible


I didn't think so lol. I've never seen a broken finger like that before, and when it happened i was trippin out, thinking i was going to have to have it amputated or something :lol:

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The video IllWill posted is insane. That's terrible what happened.


Reminds me of last April when I was driving to school...I was on a major highway, and cars start to slow down. I see a car go into the grass from the left lane and flip over. I panicked. I pulled over, ran across all 3 lanes of the highway, and me and several guys knew we had to try to get the guy in the car out. he was trapped inside. the one guy that was with me had a crowbar in the back of of his trunk. We took it and I helped kick in the window with my Timbs lmao. we both pulled the guy out and somehow he was OK. we had to cut the seatbelt with a pocketknife this guy had too. Thank god the guy came prepared. I still credit myself for saving the guys life. He must've fell asleep. I think he was drunk. I got outta there right away once the police and paramedics came though because I had to get to class. My heart was racing for an hour after that.

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I didn't think so lol. I've never seen a broken finger like that before, and when it happened i was trippin out, thinking i was going to have to have it amputated or something :lol:

it looks like it snapped and is falling off. i've broken my finger before, but never like that :wacko:

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Never driving in the snow again..



Thats no joke, driving in snow must be terrible. On New Years Eve 2009 going into 2010 I was in New York. It was snowing all night and we took the Lincoln Tunnel to get into New York the next morning. They closed the tunnel for 2 hours and we were stuck a few feet from the tunnel because 3 giant buses were sliding all over the road and crashing into every car near them. The car I was in almost got crashed into twice because people were being stupid and driving forward despite the fact the tunnel was closed and no one could move.

Edited by SRV
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Thats no joke, driving in snow must be terrible. On New Years Eve 2009 going into 2010 I was in New York. It was snowing all night and we took the Lincoln Tunnel to get into New York the next morning. They closed the tunnel for 2 hours and we were stuck a few feet from the tunnel because 3 giant buses were sliding all over the road and crashing into every car near them. The car I was in almost got crashed into twice because people were being stupid and driving forward despite the fact the tunnel was closed and no one could move.


Wow. That reminds me of the game a year and half or so ago where the Minnesota Vikings roof collapsed. That week, the Giants and Vikings played in Detroit, and since my brother and I had never been to a Giants game, my dad, uncle and brother decided to drive to Detroit to see it. We had no idea we were driving into a huge snow storm. The weather got so bad that the traffic was completely stopped for about a half hour. Luckily we weren't one of the many accidents and we made it to the game. Still the best game i've ever been to. :glasses:

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I remember the first time I ever drove is snow, I was driving a 2005 Nissan Altima with bald tires, literally the worst car to drive int he snow. I started going 40 around a turn and i drove into a snow bank and almost hit a guard rail. Scared the shit out of me, I tried going fast again and when the same thing happen I decided to go slow the rest of the way home. Then about 300 yards from my house I started going fast again just to get home quick as possible and I lost control again after going over a hill and ran the whole car into a snow bank, I was stuck for about a half hour while I had to flag someone down to call home to get someone to toe me out. Most nerve racking experience of my life. The whole time I was terrified someone was going to come over the hill like me and hit my car.

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Damn fair next to my school.....closed down the parking lot where I always park for no reason at all. I had to walk 25 minutes to get to my class.

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