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The Random Thread


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So, my dad just called me, asking, "What is the one thing that would get you the most jealous in the entire world." Now, my dad's boss is based out of Ft. Lauderdale in Florida, and has box seats to Heat games for business purposed (also at Sixers games, which is how I got those tickets back in November). So, I figured he was going to get tickets to Game 6 of the Finals in Miami, so I told him that. He said, "Nope, after Game 2, my boss got so pissed that he bought out a luxory box in Dallas for Game 3, and he gave me a free ticket."


Can you believe that shit?!? If getting to go to the NBA [expletive]ing Finals (with my favorite player, D-Wade playing in it) wasn't a big enough kick in the balls, he's getting to go to [expletive]ing Texas, a place I've always wanted to visit, to see it. God [expletive]ing dammit. My dad told his boss that if anyone can't go to give the extra ticket to me, but I highly doubt that'll happen.



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lol why the [expletive] would you wanna go to Texas?


I've heard a lot of great things about the city of Dallas, and heard Texas (the more metro areas) is pretty awesome. It's also a place that I've never been to, as opposed to Miami where I'd been staying near for the past 4 months.

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If your dad loved you then he would let you go instead


Id my dad loved me then in 8th grade he wouldn't have brought me to a psychiotrist instead of Blockbuster like he promised.

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He could just take you with him so you can at least visit Dallas before or after the game.

And he stays in the hotel while his Dad goes to the game? Lol

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A good weekend for Shaliq - Betting profit:


Soccer: €19.53

Basketball: €0.49 |

Darts: €0.71 |


Total P&L: €20.73

over the week:


Basketball: €2.61 | Cycling: €0.17 | Darts: €0.71 | Soccer: €30.99 | Tennis: -€5.58 | Volleyball: €0.49


Total P&L: €29.39

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:( damn man that's terrible, so young, I hope everything works out for you

He passed away. This is so hard for me to believe. He was going to attend Harvard in the fall too...:(

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He passed away. This is so hard for me to believe. He was going to attend Harvard in the fall too...:(


Sorry to hear that man. I know what it's like to lose a close family member when they're on life support, it's really tough to deal with. Stay strong.

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He passed away. This is so hard for me to believe. He was going to attend Harvard in the fall too...:(


Man..that is tough. Keep your head up homie. My condolences.

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