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RD1: Legacy vs. Swish

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1) 16 lines max.

2) At least two of those lines must be about your opponent's favorite sports team (basketball, football, etc).

3) Cussing will be censored if you decide to use it. Don't bypass the censor with asterisks or other symbols.

4) If you say Dick Vitale's first name, please censor it yourself by typing [expletive]. In the manner it would be used in this contest, it should be filtered out.




After both competitors are finished, members can place their vote. Votes are only valid with an explanation containing three or more sentences, no exceptions.


The lower seeds (in terms of position) go first. Based on this match-up, Swish will be asked to post his, followed by Legacy. You have two days to post.


Good luck, fellas. Run yo mouth! ;)

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“Battling last time's champ. Gonna be a good one.” // Correction: I’ve won the last two and I ain't done.

I'm number one twice over so they made me eleventh seed. // Getting my Drake on but I already know that I’ll succeeeeeeed.

Landed an interview with Anthony Morrow, all excited, you can’t help but smile. // I’m on that next level [expletive], got Monta, C.J. and Kelenna on the speed dial.

Orlando trades for your idol, we've been tight ever since // I’m joking and chilling with Vince while you’re stroking and spilling to Vince.

Changed your name to Legacy cuz you were scared you wouldn’t be remembered. // Now I improve my legacy and you become “that guy that Swish dismembered.”

I would feel bad booting you from the tourney that you helped create // But "bad" isn't in my vocabulary so just accept your fate.

AK is back and you know the best is yet to come. // I'm hungry for another title, give me more than this crumb.

Edited by Swish
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I'm goin in so hard, I get confused with Weezy and Drake/You can't write, even people on RealGM say your [expletive] is fake

Questioning your sources, walking with no dignity/You should get a tattoo saying "Legacy ethered me"

You be on my boy Vince's jock now, while back then you hated Carter/Funny how you the champ, but when you face me, you sweat, turn red and try harder

Owning you so bad in these ryhmes, swear it God it feels like I'm sinning/So what's slimmer, Dwight's free throw percentage or your chances of winning

Cuz we all know at the end of the day, I'ma beat this clown and come out with the victory/Something your Magic couldn't do in last year and embarrassed themselves in history

Shaq always callin out your boyfriend, dissin him, saying the real Superman is not Howard/Dwight saying nothin back, I guess you're not the only one in town that's a coward

Feel like I'm committing a crime, because this was a rape/I'll be kryptonite as I own your boy, call me



bold = click link

Edited by Legacy
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Swish's rap was alright, Legacy's rape was siiiick. It flowed and the rhymes were good. Legacy's rape was hot throughout, it cooled down in the last two lines but other than that it was good.


Legacy - 2

Swish - 0

Edited by Sun Tzu
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Damn Legacy killed this one. The references to Dwight were just sick. I also felt that Legacy had more consistency throughout his rap, Swish had a nice conclusion but the intro wasnt really sharp imo.




Edited by Confidence
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Boy guys brought it tonight and both guys spit hot fire, hat off to both. I also like Swish in this he had it going throught out the entire rap. I would have gave it to Legacy who did a hell of a job but he kinda fell flat near the end. Great job by both.


Legacy - 3

Swish - 2

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damn..best battle yet by far you both brought it but when i was readin swish's i was rappin along wit it cuz it flowed well. both were ill but i gotta giv it to the champp




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Both came hard as hell, both had great flows, it was hard for me to chose.. so i had to break it down verse by verse yet again.


Swish killed it here - Changed your name to Legacy cuz you were scared you wouldn’t be remembered. // Now I improve my legacy and you become “that guy that Swish dismembered.”


Legacy - 4

Swish - 4

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Good job Legacy, you've really improved. You started really strong but I felt like that last line (rhyming rape with Nate) could have been a better way to go out. Sick job though, WAY better than the old Umair days! :)

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Good job Legacy, you've really improved. You started really strong but I felt like that last line (rhyming rape with Nate) could have been a better way to go out. Sick job though, WAY better than the old Umair days! :)

You too man.


Hook it up with their numbers though. ;) lol

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Both were impressive, but I think Swish has the slight advantage in flow.


Plus I loved this Changed your name to Legacy cuz you were scared you wouldn’t be remembered. // Now I improve my legacy and you become “that guy that Swish dismembered."


Swish: 6

Legacy: 5

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Swish killed it here - Changed your name to Legacy cuz you were scared you wouldn’t be remembered. // Now I improve my legacy and you become “that guy that Swish dismembered.”


That line was iight at best not even close to the best of either rap, dunno why everyone hoppin it.

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